Cloves, Whole


SKU: 20563

SKU: 20562

SKU: 20566
SKU: Cloves,_Whole Category:


Whole cloves are fantastic in brines, pickling and marinades. Cloves are strong, pungent, and sweet


Ground Cloves add spicy depth to gingerbread, cookies, applesauce, muffins, cakes, and other sweets. It’s a secret ingredient in barbecue and cocktail sauces. Blend Ground Cloves with maple syrup and drizzle over cooked sweet potatoes and winter squash. Add a few Whole Cloves to bean and split pea soups (remove before serving). Eugenol (clove oil) will collect and cake in the container when Cloves are stored in a warm place. If you choose to grind your own Cloves, do not use a grinder that has plastic parts. Clove oil can cloud some plastics.


Also available in:



    • 1 Tablespoon, sample


    • 2.5 oz bottle


    • 16 oz bulk bag



Usually ships within 48 hours