Peppercorns are one of the most commonly used spices; in fact, peppercorn accounts for 1/4 of all of the global spice trade. Peppercorns are the berry of the plant Piper Nigrum. India is the largest producer of the world’s pepper in addition to Brazil, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The first documentation of peppercorn use is found in southern Asia, from the 4th century BC. Black peppercorns are fermented, green peppercorns. They have a crisp and aromatic flavor. Black peppercorns have the most robust flavor of all peppercorns. Dustless.
Suggested Use: Possessing a crisp and aromatic flavor, black pepper is probably the most often used spice in the world. Ground pepper is versatile and easy to use. Add to sauces, marinades, vinaigrettes and creamy salad dressings.
Basic Preparations: Add directly to recipes as called for, or sprinkle onto food after cooking.
Also available in:
- 1 Tablespoon, sample
- 4 oz bottle
- 16 oz bulk bag
Usually ships within 48 hours