Vanilla 2X


SKU: 21964

SKU: 21967

SKU: 21968
SKU: Vanilla_2X Categories: ,


Our Madagascar Bourbon pure vanilla extract is a double fold. A must for baking. Bourbon is a geographic reference to the Bourbon Islands. These include Madagascar, Comoro, Reunion, Seychelles and Mauritius all located off of the east coast of Africa. This vanilla is considered to be the standard by which all others are measured.

Contains: Water, Alcohol, Sugar and vanilla bean extractives.

Available in:

  • 1 oz. bottle
  • 4 oz. bottle
  • 8 oz. bottle

Since the Cyclone Enawo devastated the island of Madagascar (source of about 80% of the world’s production of vanilla), this has placed a significant upward pressure on rising global vanilla prices. Due to the volatile vanilla bean market, prices are subject to change without notice.

Usually ships within 48 hours